Bad Haircut

Wearing hats is hard to do, nowadays-
unless you are being ironic
(you can get away with most
anything if it is ironic).

Some people can get away with a hat, though,
I guess they must get away with it, because
I see people wearing hats.
Not caps, mind you,
but hats with names (trilby, fedora…).

It would be too much of a statement,
though, (wouldn’t it?),
if I put on a beret
or a Stetson… even
a pork pie.
The person who wears one has to fit it
just the right way,
with the right kind of mustache
waxed into that perfect shape.

But I couldn’t wear one without
feeling afraid it would blow away,
or that I would look too silly,
or just not myself. Don’t you think so, too?
Because if it’s just me,
I’ll try one on, you know, just for kicks.

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